Rand's OpenCV Utilities
Classes | Defines | Functions
Type Utilities


struct  rcv::type2cv< T >
 Get the CV_ flag for a given numeric type. More...


#define RCV_DISPATCH(type, function_name,...)
 Dispatch an image to a function which takes the underlying image data type as a template parameter.
#define RCV_DISPATCH_NO_RETURN(type, function_name,...)
 Dispatch an image to a function which takes the underlying image data type as a template parameter and has no return type.


std::string rcv::type2string (int imgTypeInt)
 Convert a CV_* type (from cv::Mat.type()) to a human readable string.
double constexpr rcv::white_value (int mat_type)
 Get the standard "white" value for a given OpenCV data type.
cv::Mat rcv::convert_and_scale (cv::Mat const &image, int const rtype)
 Convert a cv::Mat, and scale it to the typical range for the destination type.

Detailed Description

Various utilities to help out with the inherent type unsafety of OpenCV

Define Documentation

#define RCV_DISPATCH (   type,
[&]() {                                                                                    \
    switch(CV_MAT_TYPE(type))                                                                \
    {                                                                                        \
      case CV_8U:  return function_name<uint8_t>(__VA_ARGS__);                               \
      case CV_8S:  return function_name<int8_t>(__VA_ARGS__);                                \
      case CV_16U: return function_name<uint16_t>(__VA_ARGS__);                              \
      case CV_16S: return function_name<int16_t>(__VA_ARGS__);                               \
      case CV_32S: return function_name<int32_t>(__VA_ARGS__);                               \
      case CV_32F: return function_name<float>(__VA_ARGS__);                                 \
      case CV_64F: return function_name<double>(__VA_ARGS__);                                \
      default: throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported data type: " + rcv::type2string(type)); \
    };                                                                                       \

Dispatch an image to a function which takes the underlying image data type as a template parameter.

This is helpful e.g. when you need to access the pixel values of an image, but you don't know that image's type. Using the .at() method requires a template parameter, so RCV_DISPATCH can be used to call the proper templated method.


 template<class T>
   bool my_function(float param1, float param2, cv::Mat image, float param3)
     assert(image.channels() == 1);
     return (image.at<T>(0,0) * param1 + param2 < param3);

 cv::Mat my_unknown_matrix = getMatrixFromSomewhere();

 bool result = RCV_DISPATCH(my_unknown_matrix.type(), my_function,
   1.0, 2.0, my_unknown_matrix, 3.0);
Implement this without macros
#define RCV_DISPATCH_NO_RETURN (   type,
[&]() {                                                                                    \
    switch(CV_MAT_TYPE(type))                                                                \
    {                                                                                        \
      case CV_8U:  function_name<uint8_t>(__VA_ARGS__);   break;                             \
      case CV_8S:  function_name<int8_t>(__VA_ARGS__);    break;                             \
      case CV_16U: function_name<uint16_t>(__VA_ARGS__);  break;                             \
      case CV_16S: function_name<int16_t>(__VA_ARGS__);   break;                             \
      case CV_32S: function_name<int32_t>(__VA_ARGS__);   break;                             \
      case CV_32F: function_name<float>(__VA_ARGS__);     break;                             \
      case CV_64F: function_name<double>(__VA_ARGS__);    break;                             \
      default: throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported data type: " + rcv::type2string(type)); \
    };                                                                                       \

Dispatch an image to a function which takes the underlying image data type as a template parameter and has no return type.

See also:
RCV_DISPATCH for an example

Function Documentation

cv::Mat rcv::convert_and_scale ( cv::Mat const &  image,
int const  rtype 

Convert a cv::Mat, and scale it to the typical range for the destination type.

See also:
std::string rcv::type2string ( int  imgTypeInt)

Convert a CV_* type (from cv::Mat.type()) to a human readable string.

For example:

 cv::Mat mat = poorly_documented_function();
 std::cout << "My matrix is of type: " << rcv::type2string(mat.type()) << std::endl;
Implementation ripped from http://stackoverflow.com/a/12336381/237092
double constexpr rcv::white_value ( int  mat_type)

Get the standard "white" value for a given OpenCV data type.

For example, CV_8U images typically use 255 as their white value, while CV32F images typically use 1.0

 double white = rcv::white_value(myMat.type());
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